
Manuel Gimferrer

Trained as a classical pianist and conductor, Manuel keeps exploring new ways of musical expression including composing, and he is embracing technology to create that necessary link between our great musical legacy and future listeners. Manuel also enjoys collaborating with other artists, and he likes introducing his performances looking for more engaging musical experiences.
This is a time for adventure, and here is an artist ready to share his journey!

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Manuel works in his own studio preparing different kinds of experiences around his classical repertoire, solo or collaborating with other artists.
He also likes recording videos, where he introduces his performances..
Manuel is open to play in any chamber music setting.

Bio & Media

In his studio Manuel likes to produce digital contents for all kind of audiences, including children and families. Manuel named his studio after the character of Mirlo, who introduced him to Opera when he was a kid. Moreover, Manuel is studying a Master in Music Education at the Royal Conservatory in Madrid which shall enrich his educational skills [Graduation due in June 2024].‍
Discover a place to Cultivate Your Inner Garden.

Mirlo Studio


Since Manuel started dreaming of becoming a conductor, he has always been advised by exceptional Maestros. In Spring 2023 he graduated at Orquestra Costa Atlantica Academy and in June 2024 he is receiving his Master in Orchestral Conducting from Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR).
During 2024 Manuel will follow up his training with Maestro Pascual Osa at Orquesta y Coro Filarmonía de Madrid.

Open to work with orchestral ensembles and choirs!

Bio & Videos


Doré, Dante's Inferno

A Symphonic composition depicting Dante's Divine Comedy.
This is a work in progress starting with the Inferno...  
Planning a Premiere for November 2024.

[Dante Project]

In collaboration with Korean Visual Artist in Paris Grace Hye. 12 NFTs for The Fall and 12 for The Winter have been minted and sold in Septembre 2023.
You can watch and Listen here
+ special edition of the Piano Scores available for collectors. Coming next... The Spring!

Four Seasons
© Manuel Gimferrer